Where to get 4 quail in New York?

Coturnix Quail

5 Years
Jul 3, 2016
Yeah.... Looking for 4 Coturnix chicks, can't find any that aren't sold minimum 50... Any idea where I could get some? I can travel, but also, where can I get baby quail food online? Thanks
Depends on where in NY. I know a local farm in my area that raises and sells them and would probably sell you four. Have you also checked and posted on craigslist?
Thanks for responding! Well I mean I can travel.. You could tell me the place and I can see if I can go there or not because I do go to alot of laces so i cant just name one or a few.Also I did check craigslist, but I think I would rather get it from a farm. Thanks!
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Ok, thanks. Thats like 1 hour away but I can still go. Do you know what kind of quails they sell? And do they sell babies? Also whats the name of the farm? Thanks again!
As far as I know they sell coturnix, not sure if they sell babies but you can always ask. Here's their facebook, not sure if they have quail available now but they only take 18 days to hatch so you could always see if they're willing to hatch some for you.

Hello... Sadly they dont have coturnix quail right now, and they will not restock for a while.. Do you have any other ideas? Thanks.
Those are the only specific people I knew who might have them - have you tried posting on craigslist? I'm sure there will be someone with them in your area if you ask. Also you could order hatching eggs and hatch your own if it came down to it.
Alright. Thanks. I'm planning on getting eggs from purely poultry. Are they a good place? If not, any place you know that sells eggs? (Not too many) Thanks

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