Where to get a few ducks?


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
For Christmas my 10 year-old cousin asked for a duck. She said she wanted one because cows and ducks are her favorite animals, and she didn't think that Santa could get a cow down the chimney. Too cute!

Well Easter is around the corner and she is hoping that the duck she didn't get for Christmas might be in her easter basket. Since she lives in a developed area that wouldn't allow her to own ducks legally, I thought perhaps I could help out. Let her have a couple ducks for a week or so, and then have her bring her ducks over to the farm to live happily. I've wanted ducklings myself, so this is a perfect reason to justify a few new fuzzy butts.

The problem I'm facing is finding just a couple ducklings. The most I think I could handle is like 3-4, so ordering from a hatchery is out of the question.

Does TSC sell ducklings when they have their chick days? Any suggestions are welcome.

It depends on where you live - not all do, but I know mine does. Mine usually has a bin of "Assorted Ducks", which are generally Mallards, Pekins, Campbells, and the occasional Swedish. You can also special order ducklings through your local TSC (minimum special order is 5 chicks/ducklings), by printing and filling out this form and taking it to them: http://www.tractorsupply.com/wcssto...cts/chickdays/Chick Days Brochure_low res.pdf
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Check with your local TSC....We went to Chick Days last year, just wanted to get like 2 chicks and 2 ducks....they told us MINIMUM purchase is 6....they also said it's a state law, which I doubt because they had nothing posted...
Another vote for Metzer here. I went in with someone and we ordered a total of 6 ducklings. We paid extra to get them sexed so we got exactly what we wanted. They were very healthy and I still have 2 of mine (one was eaten by a hawk). I got Welsh Harlequins, but runners are also a total riot. I think you would be happy with either breed
TSC here also sells a minimum of 6 ducks/chicks at Easter. Ours had ducklings, but they were all Pekin. We waited until after Easter and the minimum purchase was no longer in effect.

You could possibly find a farm closer to you that has ducks. If you were near me, I would hatch a couple for you. But Tampa is a long way from VA!

Runners are my favorites too. We are ordering some show-quality ducklings from Holderread this year.
For Christmas my 10 year-old cousin asked for a duck. She said she wanted one because cows and ducks are her favorite animals, and she didn't think that Santa could get a cow down the chimney. Too cute!

That is sooo sweet!
Maybe you can find a local duck-enthusiast with ducklings. My first ducklings of the season will be hatching soon and I'll have ducklings hatching weekly until...
Good luck!

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