Where to get Colored Rangers?


10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Sodus, Michigan
It seems to me that the only place to get colored rangers is through JM hatcheries? And the minimum order is 100?

A friend told me this, and I have been trying to figure out otherwise. If it is true, we will probably be splitting an order next year.
JM has a min of 25. S&G Poultry carries similar ranging type broilers, their min is 80 altogether. They have a few breeds to pick from including a layer.
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JM Hatchery minimum is 25 but they cost $2 per bird plus shipping. The economics are much better for 100, which cost $1 per bird. If it makes sense for you to split an order of 100, that is definitely the way to do it!
Thanks guys, I couldn't look up the info for myself as the computer wouldn't load their homepage. I will alert my friend, and maybe we will look forward to getting some next year.

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