Where to get wheels for chicken coop?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 27, 2009
I want to put my coop on wheels for a couple of reasons (i.e. to not make it a 'permanent structure' because we have huge setbacks) but we have trouble finding a cheap pair of wheels that could carry the thing. Ideas?

My husband even went to the junk yard for me to see about a trailer axle or something, to no avail.

Go to: http://www.harborfreight.com/

have a store by me so you may want to look and see if there's a store but if not they do
a good online business too. This is one store that me and the boyfriend can both
go in and have fun looking around for an hour or so... Great store.

Do a search on "tire" for the tires.

Good luck!


Here's what I do. Bought a dolly at a hardware store for $20. It's used for moving appliances: fridge, stove, etc.

works great to move my coop, it's 4X8 and weighs a ton (its really a fortress with a sliding door to the coop)

There's some hardware places that sell stuff to make your own trailers, there you can find something. I shop at Princess Auto but I think they're all Canadian (selling all chinese stuff)

Or search the yard sales: bicycles, bbq's, strollers, tricycles, golf bags, etc.

good luck
Thanks all - the wheel at harborfreight looks perfect and is so reasonable in price.
My husband has bought a lot at Harbor Freight...and most of it has gotten used on my coop or stalls for the horses...

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