Where to place a broody breaker box?


Flock Master
8 Years
Jan 10, 2013
I had planned to let my 2 frequently broody girls just do their thing and let nature run it's course. But they are getting broody way to often and planning to try a breaker box.

I have read previous forums and UGA extension recommendations.

But would prefer to place this where they will still be seen and see others in flock.

Would appreciate opinions on experiences with success when placed in same protected run with the rest of flock.
We never used a box. What has to happen is that cool air needs to reach their underside. We used wire bottom cages suspended from the ceiling of the hen house. It usually breaks them in a day or two depending on how long they've been broody and how much cool air reaches their underside.
My experience went like this: After her setting for 3 days and nights in the nest, I put her in a wire dog crate with smaller wire on the bottom but no bedding, set up on a few bricks right in the coop and I would feed her some watered down crumble a couple times a day.

I let her out a couple times a day and she would go out into the run, drop a huge turd, race around running, take a vigorous dust bath then head back to the nest... at which point I put her back in the crate. Each time her outings would lengthen a bit, eating, drinking and scratching more and on the 3rd afternoon she stayed out of the nest and went to roost that evening...event over, back to normal tho she didn't lay for another week or two.
I also use a wire cage, with a wire bottom, to break my broodys. I hang the cage inside the coop, over the roosting area. She gets to hang out with her friends at night, and she is sheltered. Usually leave them in 3-4 days, solid.
I also use a wire cage, with a wire bottom, to break my broodys. I hang the cage inside the coop, over the roosting area. She gets to hang out with her friends at night, and she is sheltered. Usually leave them in 3-4 days, solid.

What type of cage do you use? Home made or dog or rabbit cage?

I will be buying one this weekend and really want advice on size, type to get.
What type of cage do you use? Home made or dog or rabbit cage?

I will be buying one this weekend and really want advice on size, type to get.

I actually use an old wire boxtrap I have laying around. It's 20X20X I think 40". I plan on building one specifically for the purpose. It will be around a 30X30" hardware clothed cube, which I will hang off of one wall. Just got to get around to it.
What type of cage do you use? Home made or dog or rabbit cage?

I will be buying one this weekend and really want advice on size, type to get.

We made ours out of woven wire and a few slats of wood for a basic frame, perhaps 1X2 wire. It doesn't have to be fancy, just big enough for her to stand and hold food and water.
As said, two or three days is sufficient The hotter the weather the longer it takes. It's the temperature of the underside.

I currently use a fancy wire dog cage but it's only because I already had it. It's elevated for a dropping tray so that lets cool air under the hen.
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We made ours out of woven wire and a few slats of wood for a basic frame, perhaps 1X2 wire. It doesn't have to be fancy, just big enough for her to stand and hold food and water.
As said, two or three days is sufficient The hotter the weather the longer it takes. It's the temperature of the underside.

I currently use a fancy wire dog cage but it's only because I already had it. It's elevated for a dropping tray so that lets cool air under the hen.
I want something I can fold and store. Looks like dog cage is the best bet. Trying to decide on size….may need for isolating sick chicken sometime, so want a multipurpose "jail" and " hospital".
Looking on line at the dog crates and cannot decide size. thinking about one 30" x 21" by 24 tall vs 36' X 24 "X 27" tall.

Having a hard time deciding. What do ya think on size…would only ever place 1 chicken in at at time.

I'm really fearful of placing a heavy hen on wire, don't want bumble foot…so likely will make a slatted wood platform to place in the bottom.
I'd go for the bigger size. There needs to be room in broody jail to move about and have food and water. You also never know when you'll need to house more than one, even to move them.

The bars of the cage aren't what cause bumble foot. It's an open wound that lets bacteria in. The bars are smooth so shouldn't puncture the foot.
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