Where to put my brooder?


Jun 5, 2017
So I am debating where I want to put my brooder because the temperature outside is very hot. Normally in the upper 90s and at night, maybe around 70s. I have an area that is attached to my house that is just made of wood and glass for windows, so I am thinking of putting them in there. Tell me what you guys think about that. I can move it in at night if it is too cold.

Thanks for any input.
Thanks! Do you also provide a heat lamp too? Or is that too much heat?
You should have the temperature at about 90 degrees, as long as they have somewhere to get away from the heat. Make sure the heat lamp is at least 24" off the floor of the brooder.
I strongly suggest that you look into heating pad brooding. Your bigger issue may be that the chicks will be TOO warm during the day, given your warm temps. The heating pad will allow you to provide just a bit of heat at night, and the chicks can choose to use it or not. It will not overheat the brooder, the way a heat lamp might.
Ok, I will take that into account when I put my brooder together. Thanks for all the replies.
I use heating pads. Especially in summer that is crucial. You don't want to overheat their space. They just need a warm spot to heat up, just like they would by going under a mother hen. Even brooding in the late fall - early spring I will have chicks sunbathing in 40 or 50 degree weather just fine, as long as they have a hen or heating pad to go back to and warm up as needed. Like lazy gardener said, in the summer you run the risk of overheating the brooder (and causing a fire).

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