Where to store pine shavings???


6 Years
Sep 1, 2013
I bought a huge bag of pine shavings for the coop. I'm worried about mice and other animals looking for a winter home getting in the bag. Where should I keep the shavings to prevent any unwelcome guests? Trash can with a lid?
Trash can with a lid or large heavy duty garbage bag sounds good to me.
I keep my wood shavings in large black plastic bags up against the side of my house. I just make sure the tops are twisted and positioned so no water will get inside the bags. I have never found rodents in them, even after months of storage.

I store them on the side of the house that you don't see easily from the main drive/parking area.

(But, yes, my house does look very white trash)
I keep my wood shavings in large black plastic bags up against the side of my house. I just make sure the tops are twisted and positioned so no water will get inside the bags. I have never found rodents in them, even after months of storage.

I store them on the side of the house that you don't see easily from the main drive/parking area.

(But, yes, my house does look very white trash)

Its only white trash if your neighbors say it is. If you don't have neighbors-well then its just cluttered

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