Where's the blocked list???

Cloverleaf Farm

Bearded Birds are Best
11 Years
Sep 16, 2008
Levan, UT
I wanted to see how the "block member" feature worked so I blocked some random person I do not forsee any future communications with. It told me that person was added to my "block list" but I can't find said block list...is this feature reversible? Anybody know where this block list is??

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I wanted to see how the "block member" feature worked so I blocked some random person I do not forsee any future communications with. It told me that person was added to my "block list" but I can't find said block list...is this feature reversible? Anybody know where this block list is??


You can unblock someone by going to their profile and unblocking them or hovering over their avatar in the postbit and you'll get a menu that has the option as well.

I don't know if there is truly a list. I'll try to get back to you on that.
You can unblock someone by going to their profile and unblocking them or hovering over their avatar in the postbit and you'll get a menu that has the option as well.

I don't know if there is truly a list. I'll try to get back to you on that.

Thanks, ok, if there's no actual list I'll have to keep a written list of who I block then so I can remember their user names. No idea who it was I blocked this A.M.! LOL Can't hover over the avatar, because all their posts disappeared when I blocked them...
It's a new feature. I believe it is beneficial for people who may have other members who may "troll" them in PMs.
I've never heard of a "block list" on BYC. Why would you need one? Do you have that many enemies?

LOL no, but there are a couple of people whose posts tend to irritate me, and I'd rather not read their posts at all rather than try so hard to avoid replying something snarky...
Hee hee i'm going to block cloverleaf and see if this thread disappears.. (just trying out the feature, ya know..)

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