which breed and gender is this?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
which breed and gender is this
She definitely looks like some kind of game fowl. How much would you say she weighs? It's hard to tell size
when there's nothing next to her for reference. The pictures make her look very large.
i m from Punjab,India
Her mother was much bigger than she.
She weighs more than she looks.
She has nt started laying yet
She is six months old
She has unique kind of single comb.
She has really beautiful shiny pattern
I will post that pic soon!
It's not a breed that is known in America, where the majority of people on here are from, so you're probably not going to get a breed name on here. It is a female, though. Based on its appearance, I would place it in the "game" category of chickens.
I'd say someone crossed an Asil x single-combed breed/mutt, then back to another single combed breed/mutt again. She's pretty.

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