Which breed of turkey to buy?

What photos on feathersite ?? I have searched over and over again and I seem to not be able to find 1

You're right! I could have sworn the one with the turkey next to the 5 gallon waterer was on the feathersite, but now I don't see them at all! Man, that's what happens when you drink really early in the morning.

You view turkey pages without knowing how you got there. That could be dangerous.
How old is your daughter? I have two little ones who would leave the turkeys alone, but I'm worried a tom might get aggressive. Is this a problem?
Of all the turkeys we have ever had there has only ever been 1 agressive one. It was Royal Palm tom. He turned agressive overnight. Sharon and I were sitting out back discussing world politics with the turkeys (they are the only ones that really understand it
when our daughter came out. The tom went over to her and started struting, she kicked at him and the fight was on. Up to that point we had him for a couple years zero aggression, he would eat out of your hand. After that day you couldn't turn your back on him, I tried every trick in the book and made up some pages of my own to control an agressive tom. Nothing worked. He had such great markings that we kept him for almost another year so we could breed him one more time. We finally sold him to a guy and he put the tom out to pasture with a small flock of hens. I saw the guy a few weeks ago and he said the tom was still mean as a snake.

Steve in NC
My daughter is 13 and turkeys are hens. So I couldn't tell you about a tom turkey's aggression. Now on the other hand our barred rock rooster "Stu" will try to spur my daughter.... but she gives him a swift kick. She'll even come in carrying him from time to time. Not sure why he goes after her.... probably because she tries to catch him and baby him. He's not the babying kind of guy!!!!!!!:
I had Rio Grandes; 3 hens and a Tom. We loved them in the beginning, but once breeding season hit the Tom became so aggressive we had to carry sticks where ever we went. And he absolutely hated the riding mower! He'd chase me for an hour, all over the property.

Didn't have that problem with broad-breasted whites... all they wanted to do was eat and sleep.

Kathy, Bellville TX
We love ALLL of our turkeys and they are self perpetuating...no human intervention needed....Thank goodness.LOL

We have in separate pens

Royal Palms
Bourbon Red (still babies)
Rare Jersey buff

Royal Palm





I find that when we raise them from the egg, they are the calmest. I walk in their pens regularly and pet and feed them. They are so used to me.

I'd love to ship you some eggs, unfortunately can ship no poults as I've had no experience yet.

Be sure to feed them the right feed and give them plenty of grass. DH made the hoop trailers and they just love them and so do I! We have windows open in our house and I get to talk to them and they back to me from every room!!!!

PM me if you need help raising them.
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