Which breed would be the best to go broody?


Mar 10, 2017
Westchester, NY
I have a Barred Rock, BSL, Cream Legbar, Sapphire, and a Golden-Laced Barnevelder that are all going to be a year old on Easter. I was thinking that I would have the best luck with the Barnevelder. Is she still too young to go broody?
Would a very small pre-made coop/run be adequate for nesting? I could put this in the run, the flock's run/coop is impregnable. Should I put golf balls in the nesting box and see which one takes to it? From the time when the hen first goes broody, how long should I wait until putting fertile eggs under her?
You would actually have better luck with the Barred Rock, Barnevelders don't go broody all that much.
They are old enough to go broody. The pre-made coop/run should be fine for nesting.
White golf balls or ceramic eggs would both work to encourage a hen to go broody.
I would wait at least 3 or 4 days to make sure that she stays on the nest and is truly broody before setting eggs. You want to make sure that she is sleeping on the nest at night.
You would actually have better luck with the Barred Rock, Barnevelders don't go broody all that much.
They are old enough to go broody. The pre-made coop/run should be fine for nesting.
White golf balls or ceramic eggs would both work to encourage a hen to go broody.
I would wait at least 3 or 4 days to make sure that she stays on the nest and is truly broody before setting eggs. You want to make sure that she is sleeping on the nest at night.
They are old enough to brood but unfortunately, after previously learning, you cannot encourage broodiness but simply sit tight and wait for it. If you wanted chicks, I would advise investing in an incubator, which is good to have around when the hens are brooding too.
They are old enough to brood but unfortunately, after previously learning, you cannot encourage broodiness but simply sit tight and wait for it. If you wanted chicks, I would advise investing in an incubator, which is good to have around when the hens are brooding too.
Oh I have one but I'm feeling a bit lazy this year lol.

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