Which breed would you recommend?

My vote is for the Buff Orpington. Mine was just a little more susceptible to the heat here in TX this summer but they all did fine as long as they had shade, a fan they could get in front of when needed, and plenty of water.
I know it's not on your list but I've found my Barred Rock to be extremely sweet, smart, and she looks like she's going to be the first of her group to lay. The other two are about a week or two behind her in growing their combs and having them turn red, and one of those is a GSL, which I've been told are usually the first to lay!
My RIR pullets are extremely sweet, the roosters evil and id go with buff orphintons. Both genders are EXTREMELY sweet
I love reading everyone's personal opinion...this is all so helpful. Sounds like Buffs, although very friendly get quite broody.

juliect, your birds are beautiful!
Thank you! But please don't tell them....their egos are already HUGE. They think they rule me...well...they DO...but still...
My Buffs were mean stinkers, evil nasty mean birds.

I'd like Ameraucanas - purebred for the blue eggs and sweet temperament.

I have Delawares - the breeder and heritage birds were remarkably better than the freaky thin hatchery stock. I love them. They're killer foragers, calm stable busy animals who don't freak easy.

For Rocks, Barred or Partridge or the beautiful heritage Blue/Black/Splash birds are hardy, lay exceedingly well and are friendly. My rocks lay as well as any sex link I ever had.

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