Which breed?


9 Years
Sep 13, 2012
Bygland, MN

I bought two turkeys last summer that were supposed to be both male bronze.
One was always smaller so I was considering keeping only the larger bird.
Luckily I kept both because I think the smaller is a female.

Is this a Full Breed Bronze? Double breasted?
Can they breed together?

I cant find a pic of the female right now, sorry

Here is a better picture of both of them, he is getting very protective and she has been wandering around my brush pile.
Hopefully she will start laying soon, or she might have yesterday.
I found a speckled egg that I though was from a duck, but maybe it was her first egg smaller than normal?
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they look bronzy enough, but can't tell from those angles if they are BB or standard. They don't seem ridiculously large, so I would guess standard. The speckled egg is the turkey. Turkey eggs are relatively small for the size of the bird. Many turkey eggs will fit on jumbo chicken egg cartons, some even in large.

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