Which BYC member scares you?

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helena bonham carter GIF
you supposed to be asleep 🤣
I'm just trying to figure out if I have a "special" roo... He keeps swinging his head and looking down. Swinging his head and looking down. It's like he can feel his waddles but he doesn't understand that they're there! Is this normal? Or is there an ear problem or something I should be checking him for? Or is he outright not too bright in the head? (this is asked in all seriousness. I think it's funny, but if there's a chance something is actually wrong, then I'd like to know so I can help him)
Start a thread in the emergency section. That way you can get help from the experts
No, what happened there was the final straw. People are learning this. It's not only us, but everyone, everywhere. I'm not proud of anyone, anywhere. I just stopped caring. Whatever happens in the politico world, people chose it. Now it's their fate to face it, no matter the outcome. I'm just gonna live my life and let it all play out, but I am loyal to no country, or human, as nothing and no one deserves said loyalty. I can still be a kind, decent person without offering it; and pride is an emotion that I have never felt, so I can't truly speak of it.

... This conversation may need to head to PM though... We may get into trouble. 🙊
You have never felt pride in anything? Nothing you've done or accomplished? No one you know? You must not have children or be married
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