Which BYC member scares you?

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Nobody intimidates me, but there are a few women that are just mean and will gang up on people. Saw it the other day with a young person and they were new too! A few people ganged up on her so badly, I'm sure she'll leave the site, simply for asking an opinion on a coop situation. There's a few women that feed off each other criticizing people. I know a few started it on me for suggesting the WELL KNOWN treatment for Wet Feather Disease, and I even gave references to back me up! I'm doubtful any even have ducks, but they felt the need to tell the person with the question, that they would NOT follow the treatment. It was rude and uncalled for and may result in the death of somebody's animals when they do it.

This site is normally such a fun place to be. I hope these attacks don't continue or I will leave. The main reason people are here is because it's more friendly than Facebook.
There’s a lot of mean women on here. They’ve bullied me constantly to the point I’m afraid to post anymore. It’s a shame.
The _peanut_coop gave me a fright when they asked my I did not take their side in The war with Elyam (not sure how to spell it) but they are actualy very nice.
Oh lol I'm sorry 😂 :hugs I did not think I would make it on this thread but here I am, on the 8th post.
Am I intimidating, guys?
Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
There has been some talk about certain BYC members who can be scary or intimidating before you get to know them.

Names that have been thrown around:
@The Moonshiner
@Overo Mare
@ColtHandorf :lau

Agree with the list?
Disagree with the list?
Who frightened you before you got to know them?
So there's a difference between being mean and telling the truth. :)
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Honestly, who thought I was mean? lol
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