Which BYC member scares you?

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Wrong Wrong Wrong ain't gots no banjos, fiddles and accordions.
Spoons and jugs? How about those?
I hate that word. It's as bad as moist. Or fetus.
These females won't start cutting on their chicks
This guy won't either. The good lord invented leg bands and zip ties and I intend to use them. lol
Has muddy been teaching you how to garden?
Look, there's a little asparagus island in the middle of my weed patch!
I dang sure get that. I tilled twice once about a month before I planted and another the day before and deep. Everything growing good but the dang grass wherever it came from is growing better. Usually don’t have any problem for a good month but it jumped on me this year faster than I could do anything about it

So far that is. Time, need more time
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