Which BYC member scares you?

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Ever After - Brought this on yourself.gif

Finger-licking good?
You are a writer? I should have caught this by now.🤦‍♂️
I was serious about mammoths going around squishing animals. Forgive my poor attempt at sarcasm.
Oh dear, yes. I write professionally for a university in the marketing department and then I write for fun when I have time, which is never, really. lol
I wish I could informative this!
You absolutely can informative this. I dare anyone to try to prove that it wasn't informative. Fear of using a reaction on a series of thoughts that is legitimately informative is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard and the individual/s behind that fear should be ashamed that gatekeeping and policing people's thoughts, emotions, and reactions are something they believe they should be concerned with.
Encanto - Clear Skies.gif

There’s people that actually want us to go extinct and are trying to do it. Not through murder or anything (at least AFAIK) but just refusing to have kids and other stuff. They say we should. That were hurting the planet.
*breathes in and out deeply*
Do you believe that mankind is not hurting the planet? The statement that the Earth needs another plague has not aged well in the last few years, but it doesn't mean it isn't true. Humanity, for the most part, is a blight. We are one of the only organisms on this planet with the cognitive ability to see the results of our actions and continue to destroy the world around us in dozens of different ways.
I make far too many mistakes to be a robot.
Yeah, like getting bitten by a cat.
Wait, wait, wait.
"Invasive" implies that the species has procreated to such an extent that it has spread outside of its natural, original range, and is causing problems.
If we go by that, then there are countless species that can be classified as "invasive," such as Asian Carp, wild hogs around the equator, and goodness only knows how many others, be they insect, fish, amphibian, arachnid, avian, or even certain plants.
Are saying, then, that these could go extinct and you wouldn't say a word about it and would simply accept their sudden absence?
Huh? Species are invasive because of human activity. They don't just become invasive by themselves.
And a robot would not need antibiotics for a cat bite.
Very true.
Careful or we might start on orps
Erza - Grand Magic Games Katana Requip.gif

You don't like orps? @ColtHandorf must be so disappointed
Gay Gasp.jpg

Colt knows and understands. He dislikes leghorns as much as I do. ♥️
I like them alright. From afar.
No Shan't.gif

I refuse to participate in whatever ridiculousness it is that makes people change their fonts and font colors to be obnoxious. The older people have spoken. It hurts our eyes. Even the elf-eyes of mine that saw the Uruk-hai taking the hobbits to Isengard.
Mirajane - Halphas finger no.gif
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