Which chicken looks the LEAST like the breed it's supposed to be?

Campine Lover

9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Moss Beach, CA
Which chicken out there looks the LEAST like the breed it's supposed to be? Tell me why! No prizes, just a fun contest. Here's mine:
Penguin, a hatchery bird, has a crooked tail, crooked toes, wrong comb, floppy comb, doesn't lay, blind in one eye, and one pupil looks like it drips into the colored eye part. She came like this! (Silver Laced Wyandotte) But I love her!
Not a good pic
OH!OH!OH! I've got a great one. Here's my hatchery barred rock in front taking a dust bath. Yes, I'm certain it's supposed to be a barred rock. I got 2, the other looks fine.


and her sister (hopefully):
Here's my Easter Egger who was sold to me as a partridge rock. i know easter eggers don't have a breed standard, but she doesn't have any muffs and a very scarce beard. Here she is: (sorry about the bad pic)


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