Which from my list to start dabbling into breeding?!?!


7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Southern Indiana
Going to be building a new goat barn in the next couple months which means the old goat barn 10X16 is going to be come my 2nd coop for breeding and brooding! My husband got me a new incubator for Christmas so I'm going crazy researching what breed(s) I want to get and start getting into breeding, more than just from my mixed flock. I'm thinking one, possibly 2 different breeds. Some of my considerations are: Easy to sell chicks for a decent profit, not so common breed, good layers, colorful or speckled eggs would be nice, docile roosters (I have 3 kids that help a lot), my husband would like dual purpose so we have something to do with all the extra roosters but we are also considering getting meat chickens so not absolutely necessary and I have a neighbor who is always willing to take in my extra roosters. We normally buy all the chicks/ supplies/ feed and whatever money we make from eggs or chicks the kids get for their savings accounts. How much do chicks of these breeds typically sell for?
I'm going to put my list and things I've read, please let me know your thoughts, opinions and if anything isn't true!!! Also, if you were getting hatching eggs to get a small breeding flock started how many would you get? If you are or know of a good breeder (NOT hatchery!) for any of these please let me know!

Ameraucana- Blue Eggs, come many color varieties, do best free ranging but will bear confinement

Crested Cream Legbar- Blue or Green Eggs, larger eggs than Ameraucana, autosexing, good free ranging or run, can be a but flighty

Silverudd Blue (Isbar)- Green Eggs, lay well during winter, very docile

Barnevelders- Dark Brown, sometimes speckled Eggs, will lay through winter, many beautiful color varieties, Dual purpose, docile.... read but ?ing truth prone to Mereks and issues with eggs not being so dark

Bielefelder- very large Brown Eggs, autosexing, Dual purpose, docile

Blue Marans

Swedish Flower

Aloha- not sure if I’d be able to really get these anytime soon!
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