Which hatchery?


9 Years
Jun 14, 2013
I have bought from ideal in the past, but have been looking into cackle hatchery. Cackle seems to have much better quality birds. Which hatchery would y’all recommend?
I got 17 ducks from Cackle this summer and they are all in good condition. They are still "hatchery quality" but all are healthy and had good dispositions. I would order from them again in the future. Plus I did have a issues when it came to my order. They had a bad hatch rate, and had to split my order, but did compensate with a couple extra ducks. Overall I was happy with how it all went.
Cackle is better for quality. Ideal is better for price, especially their weekly specials.

What are you looking for, in particular?
I had bought me some show chickens earlier this year and got a sick bird and ruined my flock and once I’m done cleaning everything and getting rid of this flock I want to start me a new one with birds I know are healthy. But I don’t want really crappy birds. I want something that will look like the breed it’s supposed to be. If that makes since. These won’t be show birds.
I go to Cackle because it's within driving distance. They do have a great selection, but these are hatchery birds after all. I think they have good customer service, they have a facebook page which they update almost daily and they are really interested in promoting good relations with the public.
I have ordered from McMurray Hatchery many times going back to the late 1970's up until 2012 and have had zero issues with their birds. My current flock of 16 Mixed Large Breed and 16 Mixed Bantam hens came from Cackle Hatchery and they have been very healthy and productive as well. In all the times I have ordered chicks, I have never received even one that was DOA which is quite remarkable.
I have bought from Cackle mail order twice. The first time, I got 20 chicks. All arrived alive and well and still are fine. The second time, I got 18 chicks. 3 died the first night... they were tiny. The rest are fine and well. I'm pretty happy with Cackle for chicks. Their variety of ducklings isn't as good as some other hatcheries. Good luck!

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