Which incubator to use in the uk?

I am unsure what row they were in originally in the turner but when I put them on the floor for lockdown they were the bottom row. They were all Orpington eggs too which were slightly to big for the incubator anyway and kept hitting the plastic when turning.

I didn't do an autopsy.

The Temp was always in the 37s but moved up and down a lot but my biggest issue with this incubator is humidity. Ive set the alarm so it bleeps if it goes below 30 (this is lowest I can set it) but it bleeps quite a lot. Then as soon as I put a small amount of water in, it goes up to around 65%/70% which is too high! I wish I could turn the alarm off as it keeps going off in the night!!!
Did you see any damage on those eggs? (from hitting the lid)

I guess you candled before lockdown so you know there were fertilized?

How long did you leave the last eggs after the first hatches? If the temp.diff was high, then you could expect some late hatchers (although that didn't really happen with mine - disregarding the one that pipped super early)

Some people (regardless of incubator) cover part of the water reservoirs (it is surface area and not volume that determines humidity), so you could try that next time (cover half or whatnot of all maybe?)

Sorry about all the questions
I wish I could turn the alarm off as it keeps going off in the night!!!
This is one thing I am worried about when I set the temperature really low, in my test run the alarm kept going off but I am suspecting the "Low Alarm" setting could he the high alarm cause in theory one should be able to set it and I think changing the low alarm finally turned it off on my test run.

I am going to use small cups instead of the humidity trays. I will leave one row free for this.

And irgonically a seller I got some duds from has offered to send me some replacements and my neww eggs just arrived today so in theory end of the week I should have another 12 eggs going which I don't have the space for if they all hatch but we'll worry about that if it happens.
Did you see any damage on those eggs? (from hitting the lid)

I guess you candled before lockdown so you know there were fertilized?

How long did you leave the last eggs after the first hatches? If the temp.diff was high, then you could expect some late hatchers (although that didn't really happen with mine - disregarding the one that pipped super early)

Some people (regardless of incubator) cover part of the water reservoirs (it is surface area and not volume that determines humidity), so you could try that next time (cover half or whatnot of all maybe?)

Sorry about all the questions
Nope there was no damage at all. 1 pipped and didnt make it then the others there was just no sign of hatching. They were all fertile going into lockdown.

I left them just under 48 hours and then with the eggs that had no sign did the water test but there was no movement or sounds at all.

I didnt know that! Its hard to get to the water trays as they are under the screwed down base but i might just placing a wet cloth or something in there to see what happens tomorrow.

You used the incubator again als?

This is one thing I am worried about when I set the temperature really low, in my test run the alarm kept going off but I am suspecting the "Low Alarm" setting could he the high alarm cause in theory one should be able to set it and I think changing the low alarm finally turned it off on my test run.

I am going to use small cups instead of the humidity trays. I will leave one row free for this.

And irgonically a seller I got some duds from has offered to send me some replacements and my neww eggs just arrived today so in theory end of the week I should have another 12 eggs going which I don't have the space for if they all hatch but we'll worry about that if it happens.
I found my temp on the incubator is miles off whats inside. I have mine set at around 38.9 but this only heats inside to somewhere in the 37s.

I wish i had taken a row out now but i have 18 eggs and 1 duck egg (from a neighbour) so its not possible until i candle at day 5 or 6 and do it then.
Nope there was no damage at all. 1 pipped and didnt make it then the others there was just no sign of hatching. They were all fertile going into lockdown.

I left them just under 48 hours and then with the eggs that had no sign did the water test but there was no movement or sounds at all.

I didnt know that! Its hard to get to the water trays as they are under the screwed down base but i might just placing a wet cloth or something in there to see what happens tomorrow.

You used the incubator again als?
No, I haven't incubated again (yet).

Not sure how reliable the water test is (besides from drowning chicks if they have pipped). Just for fun I water tested my eggs before my egg autopsy, and all floated (some higher than others) - both nonfertilized and DIS close to hatch... I would also guess that a sleeping chick wouldn't wiggle... I did try to tap on the eggs as well, but not sure how reliable that is either (again; they might be asleep, or too far from hatching to bother to reply?). Part of why I did an egg autopsy (both to learn, but also make sure there weren't any late chicks)

I guess 48 hours should be close to safe (although some people leave them a little longer just in case?), at least if you have all of the same breed and a stable temperature across the incubator (some people have had eggs starting to hatch as they have thrown them in the bin though)
This thread has become a bit cluttered by now and I'm starting to lose track of what has and hasn't worked but unfortunately the alarm kept going off every 20 minutes and I could not resolve it! so I'm back to using the other incubator. I've just made some minor changes and I am pretty sure it must have been overheating on my last run - I've tried moving the heat cable further from the eggs. I have already hit 37.8 degrees but as long as that is the max it went to I think I should be ok. Expected hatch day is 22nd April.
penk did you ever start another batch of eggs?

I just want to update I am on day 5 and my replacement eggs arrived late so on day 2.

A total of 2 x 6 eggs.
4 of the replacement eggs are most likely duds.
1 of the other eggs has a crack.

So I'm running the same incubator with the same temps as my last run just the heat cable in a better position further from the eggs and I could tell straight away picking up the eggs to candle them that they were cooler this time round than last time which is interesting. I must have been overheating last time but my thermometers did not pick it up well for some reason. I haven't candled all eggs yet but the first few looked good so far.
Hi all,

I used to incubate eggs and had success using a polystyrene made one i got off ebay.

Anyway i want to start again but there are so many on the market its hard to know whats best.

I want it to ideally hold around 24 eggs and automaticaly turn the eggs.

Has anyone had experience using these, i am struggling to find reviews:


Or if you can recommend any that would be great.

Im in the US so I don't know if you'll be able to get one there but I don't see why you couldn't find one off amazon or something. But I strongly recommend the Nurture Right 360. It is one of the most popular incubators around here and works perfectly. Automatically turns, built in hygrometer and thermometer, and very easy to use. Very good, especially for the price (it isn't cheap but its well worth it and will last you a lifetime). I use it for chickens and quail but can fit just about anything besides like Ratite eggs. But if you had a rack made for it I guess that could work. Also, I got mine from Tractor Supply Co. but doubt you have them in the UK.
Well it looks like penk has left this thread and since I don't feel like chatting by myself I will conclude that it is tricky to get good results with the incubator shown at the beginning of ths thread. I tried 3 times myself and could not stabilize temps or humdity.

The other incubator I bought off Amazon is better but has too many flaws to use as is and I had to make some major adjustments and am now finally at 100% on day 10.

Would I do it again? No way. Better to spend over £100 and get one from from the incubatorshop

Before Brexit it was possible to buy a Nurture Right 360 here in the UK but those days are over now.
Sorry for some reason i no longer get notifications anymore.

I have started another batch, currently on day 12 and out of 19 eggs, 16 are fertile and developing!!

The temp has been easier this time and its normally quite secure around the 37.1 to 37.7 range according to my 3 thermostats in different places. I do always keep the polystyrene cover on along with 2 tea towels to keep heat in.

Humiditiy is my bug bear and hard to keep steady.

We will see how successful this next hatch is and i can conclude then what i think.
ah good to see you are still about. Good luck with yours.

I really want to check on mine but I've finally managed to get humidity to reliably stay within 5%, the temp is so steady it picked up the two times I took the dog out and opened the front door. As the cold air cooled things down the incubator overheated by 0.1 degrees.

I was checking my govee and I noticed two spikes, in the mornng and in the evening, both times I took the dog out. I thought it was interesting.

So I am trusting everything is working as it should but I have no viewing window so I can't check on things.. Just being able to peep in would be quite useful. Never seems to get less worrysome.

I'll candle again in a few days time.

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