Which one would you choose? (Geese!)

Yes I believe that Miss Prissy. There is a woman up the road from me that has some white African's I am going to see if she will sell me some eggs to hatch. I really do want a couple of Dewlaps and I suppose will just bite the bullet

Thanks for getting back to me.
I have a pair of Embdens that were a gift from the feedstore owner... to spite my husband
The gander is awful. He honks the whole time, and we can't hear ourselves think over him much less have a conversation outside. He hisses and is permanently mad about something, even though he was raised from a gosling and is quite used to us. He attacks strangers and tries to attack our dogs through the yard fence. When we let them loose he does attack them. The goose is fine, but you'll probably want a pair of whichever breed you choose. All in all the Embdens (at least mine) suck.
There are good geese and bad geese in any breed. I got rid of the sweetest African I had ever seen a month ago because, just my luck, he turned out to be a gander. I didn't want him locked up away from my other geese all alone during the breeding season and knew if I picked up a goose for him she'd probably be meanspirited.

We had a large Embden gander for a while who protected our whole yard. He wasn't too loud around people, mostly because two of the people I lived with decided to teach him people were _always_ at the top of the pecking order. Whenever he'd get cranky they'd let him get close enough to bite, tackle him and pin him to the ground until he became timid. After a half dozen times of being thoroughly embarrassed he got the hint and decided to pick on things that weren't people.

I'm smitten over my Pilgrims. It's hard for me to not recommend them for absolutely everything (except guard geese - they are the worst guardians in the world
. Pilgrims are the only breed of goose I've found that are bred to be docile. If you have a cranky biter you cull them out of your lines immediately. I won't even keep a Pilgrim that hisses and would be more afraid of a baby hurting my flock than vice versa.

Pilgrims are an autosexing breed for anyone who doesn't feel comfortable vent sexing. The males are white and the females are grey. It adds a little variety to the flock while still having one breed.

Now someone needs to breed Giant Dewlap Pilgrims
We loved our white chinese when we had them several years ago. I didn't know any better; I ordered them from Murray McMurray & they were wonderful--I loved the grace & beauty of the Chinese-we didn't have any problems with ours, they bonded to us & were always nice to us--although the rest of the world was their enemy & they let everybody know it! but that's no problem where we live.
We are getting Brown Chinese this spring from Holderread's & looking forward to them very much--these will be the last geese we get, to stay with us for the rest of our-and their-lives.
I think it's how you raise the young ones; if you bond w/the day-olds & love them, they will love you. I don't know for sure since I've never had any other breed than the Chinese; but I know that works with them.

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