Which to get - Barred Rocks or Easter Eggers?

I say get some of each. I have six EEs and one BR. Some of my EEs are friendly and some aren't. My BR isn't friendly either. The EEs that are friendly are the ones we raised since youngsters.
Our EE pullets have been very friendly. They will even jump up on our arms and shoulders when we are out visiting them. Each one of them looks different which makes it easy for us to tell them apart. They are not old enough to lay yet.
I originally felt I only wanted Barred Rocks...so I bought enough to accomodate that desire.....well, chickens are so dang cute, that now I have 3 leghorns, 1 brahma/ austrolorpe, 12 BR's and a mixed polish roo!! So although you only plan on having one breed, good luck with that

They are addictive! My original plan was to have only 6 hens. Now I have 18 including 1 Roo (which was never in the plan)

By the way, my BR's lay roughly every day. As far as EE's, I don't know, that's next on my list.
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I've got EE's, Austrolorps, Black Stars.

The EE's are the only ones I kiss goodnight and hand each one a bedtime snack before tucking them in.

(my Black Stars are eggeating rooster killing cannibals...no kisses for those monsters!)
Ditto - this has been my experience exactly. My EEs are all white, so maybe there is some leghorn in their background - they're flighty. The Barred Rocks are sweet, good layers, and I just enjoy them more.
Man I must be lucky with my EE's.
One of my EE hen is SO friendly. She comes right up and eats right out of my hand. The other EE's come close but keep enough distance between them and me so that if I try to grab them they can get away from me.

My BR's................... Oh man are they the friendliest hens that I've ever had (except for my new RIR pullets that I recently bought). I love my BR girls Chili and Pepper. They are the absolutey best broodies that I've ever had. The only hens that I allow to raise my baby chickens.

I think the reason why my EE girls are friendly is because I raised them ever since Day 1 when they hatched under my old Black Sexlink hen Little Shadow the 1st.
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Wow! Sounds like a bad experience there!

I've only had 1 Americauna chick, and she was flighty no matter how much I handled her. I sold her. Out of my first group of chicks, I loved my Barred Rocks, the most- they wanted to perch on my shoulder (which is ok if you wear a big smock!) except the rooster who didn't want to be cuddled and when grown up crowed too loud. We ate him. They are the best almost daily egg layers, even in December. They finally took a break around Christmas, and started up again in Feb. They are keen as far as ducking for cover when they see a hawk shadow, and love to forage.
I think if you are ordering, though, you should get a 'heavy breed' pullet special which will have a variety. My best surprise was buying a New Hampshire chick to keep my Buff Orpington chick company, and she is my FAVORITE chicken, and doesn't fuss or scratch or try to flap away from my young son who is 3 and loves to carry her around the yard.

Have fun!
We have only 4 barred rocks...3 are very friendly and the 4th is coming around. They are still young (20 weeks).

We're getting 2 eggs a day (mostly), and they are firm shelled and gorgeous, tho small, but growing.

They were all 3 days old when we got them, and they are maturing at VERY different rates. Two have been laying now for over a week, while the other two are not even close, as far as we can tell.

Two have big red combs and wattles, while the other two are just barely starting ...go figger!

Our feed store got them from Ideal and we are well pleased...tho the freeloaders need to come into production SOON!

Barred Rocks, rock!
I appreciate all your experiences. We currently have 4 RIR's but I'm moving away from town next week out to a large (for us, 5 acres) property and DH has agreed to making an order of 25 pullets immediately. I'm getting a good price on them but have to chose one breed to get the price. That's why I'm trying to decide. I should be ordering later this morning. I think I'm going to go with the BR's!

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