Which would you prefer?

Which breed/s would you be most likely to consider buying?

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Premium Feather Member
Mar 19, 2020
South-Eastern Montana
I'm starting to breed chickens for actual sale, not just giving away (not NPIP yet, so only in my state, but I personally don't sell birds that I know are sick or in contact with a bird that was sick)

I already have most of these breeds and will have the rest as chicks in a month or so. But I know some are more popular than others and obviously if one isn't popular, it makes more sense to have a smaller flock and a larger flock of a more popular one.

*Mainly I'm just looking for other people's opinions and preferences, not what ones are a terrible idea to even bother with.*
Speckled Sussex!
I got one yesterday and she was posing during pictures.




Chantecler are wonderful cold hardy chickens from Canada, they need more breeders. Take a look at partridge chanteclers. Big, beefy dual purpose bird from the Abbey of Notre Dame du Lac in Oka, Quebec.
I like my Marans best, pretty weather tolerant. If I were to get a new breed, it would definitely be a chantecler. I get so tired of frosty combs. Ameracauna would also come to mind, another cold hardy breed with small comb. I do like orpingtons, they are pretty weather tolerant.
Chantecler are wonderful cold hardy chickens from Canada, they need more breeders. Take a look at partridge chanteclers. Big, beefy dual purpose bird from the Abbey of Notre Dame du Lac in Oka, Quebec.
I like my Marans best, pretty weather tolerant. If I were to get a new breed, it would definitely be a chantecler. I get so tired of frosty combs. Ameracauna would also come to mind, another cold hardy breed with small comb. I do like orpingtons, they are pretty weather tolerant.
I looked at the chantecler, but wasn't sure if they could handle Montana summers too.

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