white bread for chicken

What are you talking about??
It's a reference to the Great Reset.

But to be fair, the comment about pastured chickens needing less protein refers to the amount of protein content they need in their commercial or grain-based feed. Chickens that are allowed to forage will pick up a lot of their protein needs from insects, worms, etc, so they don't need as much added to their grain feed. Same goes for chickens who are fed kitchen scraps that include leftover meat, beans, etc.
I have to disagree with this person you talked too.
The minimal amount of protein that a chicken needs to intake is the exact same (just like all Macro and Micro nutrients). It does not matter if the birds are in a cage in a barn in a coop, free range or pasture raised.

This is also not correct, Organic poultry feed will still range from 15 to 20 percent protein just like non-organic poultry feed. Just because a chicken is Organic or is free range don't change there nutritional needs at the end of the day.
Chickens that free range find a part of their food between the grass and from scratching and digging. They obviously find some insects, worms and other nutritious food there. Free ranging chickens eat less feed out of the bowl then locked up chickens.

The feed for organic chickens I could check has 14.3 - 16.5 % proteins depending on the mill/brand.
Chickens that free range find a part of their food between the grass and from scratching and digging. They obviously find some insects, worms and other nutritious food there. Free ranging chickens eat less feed out of the bowl then locked up chickens.

The feed for organic chickens I could check has 14.3 - 16.5 % proteins depending on the mill/brand.
I understand that birds that are left out to free range can find insects and worms BUT there going to eat grass and foliage also and that will lower there protein intake.
In the end they still need the same amount of proteins.

You may find a mill that sells a lower protein feed like 14% but most I seen run 15 to 20 percent protein.
I understand that birds that are left out to free range can find insects and worms BUT there going to eat grass and foliage also and that will lower there protein intake.
In the end they still need the same amount of proteins.

You may find a mill that sells a lower protein feed like 14% but most I seen run 15 to 20 percent protein.
Um, no, protein eaten is not negated by foliage eaten. Your protein requirements for the day don't go up because you ate a salad for lunch. If the chicken feed is slightly lower in protein but the chickens are allowed to free range, they will naturally tend to eat more bugs to make up the difference. Actually, chickens tend to prefer insects over greens anyway; most won't eat more greens than they need to meet the requirements.
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Well said Tilhana.. didn't show up in my feed.. not a scratch, but good to know you get it. Hope others do too.. not to get Conspiracy Theory turned Fact,.. "THEY" are coming for your chicks and yous.. Bernie... Your pup and kitten.. and Yous.. I do not understand how 7.5 Billion or 9 Billion people could allow 350 members of one inbreed family. Allow this to happen. When 'WE' could submerge 'Them' in 'OUR' urine.. must be the Fluoride.. My late mother in law was all into it.. a health nut... and lived in the first municipality whom poured the toxic industrial waste into the water supply.. Theories aside.. Best too yous. Keep on keeping on.. Old Hippie lingo. Old Hippie... Bugs are High Protein, wish I could.. but why did the chicken cross the road..? You single? I could use the help and live in a very large house with a good sized bank account.. getting bigger everyday. I share even-steven. You'll have to do the decorating.. I am a single guy.. You should know what that means.. Haven't painted in tens years, and never finished the molding.. plus it is a bit congested from thirteen years of business castoffs.. I've tried. HELP! Take care.
This is getting pretty far off topic. I'm not single in any case.
Um, no, protein eaten is not negated by foliage eaten. Your protein requirements for the day don't go up because you ate a salad for lunch. If the chicken feed is slightly lower in protein but the chickens are allowed to free range, they will naturally tend to eat more bugs to make up the difference. Actually, chickens tend to prefer insects over greens anyway; most won't eat more greens than they need to meet the requirements.
I believe your misunderstanding my post.
If a hen eat a 17% protein feed then she is left out and lets say eats some grass, lettuce and some feed corn. All three of these things are lower in protein than the feed so they all deplete/lower the 17% protein in the feed...

Example ---
17% protein poultry feed ÷ 100 = .17% protein per lb of feed
8% protein corn ÷ 100 = .08% protein per lb of corn
If you mix 10 lbs of corn with 90 lbs of 17% protein poultry feed your over all mix would be 16.10% protein.

The only requirement that poultry eats to meet is calories.

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