White chicken breeds?

The commercial strains of RSL use this kind of single combed silver(white) bird that the hatcheries all claim to use in making some of their Red Sex Links. Since true, rose combed, RIW are often stated to be so rare as to number less than 3000 known to be in existence, this line of hatchery white parent stock birds must be a creation.

Was RIW in their lineage? unknown. White Sussex? likely, given that most poultry genetic companies were/are located in Europe. Leghorn? given the desire for extreme egg production in the RSL, it seems likely.

Since I am not going to be breeding do I need to be picky about the comb? I am more interested in temperament, laying qualities, and it being a brown egg layer. Considering that all my chicks are mutts with 3-4 different breeds mixed in there I can't say look at the standards lol! I am amazed at everything I learn here, thank you for the information, keep it coming! The other chick I am going to look at is a Buff Orpington, anything I need to watch for there? And I might come home with an EE
. It's a good thing there is a chicken swap this weekend, the boys will have to go to make room for the new girls.

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