White egg layers and cold


13 Years
Feb 5, 2011
Lake Crystal, MN
Im thinking about adding either some blue andalusion hens or ancona hens to my flock for white eggs. I live in colorado at 7500 feet above sea level so it can get cold. Does anybody know if either of these breeds is more cold hardy than the other? Any other breed suggestions?
With either of those breeds, the biggest issue you will run into is frostbite on the combs. Unless you're going to keep them indoors out of the cold when it gets really ridiculously cold like it does (I know, I used to live there!), you will probably run into this. If you're still set on having one of those breeds, there is also the option of dubbing them like gamefowl (removing the comb) to prevent the frostbite.
I live at about the exact same elevation, a bit higher, and I have a California White, a smallish hen, but she has laid an egg EVERY SINGLE DAY since I got her! Amazing layer...she does have a tad of frostbite on her comb though....I have no experience with the other breeds you asked about.

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