White eggs vs brown eggs.

I have white leghorns. Beautiful white eggs. I'm beginning to sell/give away my eggs and it annoys me when people assume they're not farm fresh because they're white! Think I should raise some brown layers for next season?
At one time most commercial eggs were brown. After a while commercial egg farmers switched to chickens that layed white eggs since the preferred chickens at the time layed white eggs. This remained the norm for several years which led to most people accepting white eggs as cleaner and safer. Even though there is no difference in flavor or health benefits, most people feel more comfortable with white eggs. Now the reverse is becoming true and people are thinking that brown eggs are more natural and that they must be healthier. It is all a matter of what people prefer at the time that makes eggs more valuable.

Even though I know the above to be true...I prefer brown eggs.
I'm considering the purchase of some brown layers do buyers can have some option ( idk why they have to be so picky!) I love the high efficiency of leghorns. Little feed, a lot of eggs! So reliable. Any recommendations for a breed similar to it in productivity, but with brown eggs?
Rhode Island Reds....the red-headed stepchild to the White Leghorn!
Best and most productive layer of brown eggs. Don't be seduced by the production reds and blacks as they are merely crosses from the originators~Rhode Island Reds.
I believe it was more a regional based bias. Growing up in New England white eggs were a rarity around here. I'm talking 40 plus years ago. Brown was king and still is although white eggs have gained a little more space on the shelf in stores. Not that I buy store eggs.
I think that bears to the fact that years ago eggs were not shipped far from were they were layed. Where I grew up the Rhode Island Red was the predominate egg laying breed due to excellent production and cold hardy. and built for NE weather. White eggs have made their way onto the seen around here due to many factors. Commercial batteries and storage and shipping made easier has brought more white eggs through predominate brown egg areas. Not to mention the eggs to feed ratio for Leghorns is far greater than most commercial layers. Less cost= more profit.
I really enjoy my leghorns. No they aren't cuddly, yes they run away, but we respect one another so to speak. If I were to get more of the same breed, do you think buyers would be willing to buy white eggs?
How about getting a few RIRs and sell a mixed carton of brown and white....that way you could kind of show your clients that quality and freshness comes in two colors at your place~and they both have the same great taste.
I'm considering the purchase of some brown layers do buyers can have some option ( idk why they have to be so picky!) I love the high efficiency of leghorns. Little feed, a lot of eggs! So reliable. Any recommendations for a breed similar to it in productivity, but with brown eggs?

Gold sexlink, golden comet. These are hybrids. I had one that weighed 4 pounds and some ounces and she produced a jumbo egg, for 106 days in a row. Then she produced another 140== she WAS an egg-laying-machine. Sweet and amusing too. -- Lots of the commercial producers use gold sexlinks around here, because they have an amazing feed conversion ratio and awesome production.

I guess rule number 1, 'the customer is always right' and then rule number 2, 'when the customer is wrong, rule number 1 shall apply'...means you could get some fabulous brown layers, and give your customers which ever they want.

As for the folks who like different colors...count me in there. I like knowing exactly WHO laid the eggs in a given day...and I do keep track! LOL...... I have a white-laying Ideal 236 (Leghorn hybrid developed by Ideal Hatchery) an EE who lays mint green and two BPRs who's eggs I can tell apart by shade. My EE lays 6 per week right up there with my Leghorn Ideal 236 -- but they don't compare to Gold Sexlink.

Good luck with your decision....
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