white from blue...what???


The "white" chick, top right corner turned out to be splash

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What colors where the parents of that bird ? That looks more like Heterozygous Dominant white instead of splash.

Actually I have no idea... she came from a lucky dip from ebay. Interesting though that she could be hetero dominant white though. I thought that as she has slate coloured legs she was splash... I guess you learn something every day!
What colors where the parents of that bird ? That looks more like Heterozygous Dominant white instead of splash.

Actually I have no idea... she came from a lucky dip from ebay. Interesting though that she could be hetero dominant white though. I thought that as she has slate coloured legs she was splash... I guess you learn something every day!

Nope the slate leggs wouldnt really have anything to do with it. But the her chick color and the color she is now is pretty much dead on for Heterozygous Dominant White like you would get from crossing other breeds and colors with White Leghorns, or Cornish Cross hens .

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