White kind of chicks are these and what gender?

Yeah, somebody from my neck of the woods!! I'm up in Auburn and welcome to BYC. You will love it here and will learn everything you need to know from all these fabulous folks. We brought home our first chickens in August as a homeschooling (Ag Science
) project. We had all 10 of our chicks in a dog kennel smack dab in the middle of our family room for weeks on end. I couldn't keep the kids away if I tried. We have never been sick from our chickens....if anything MUCH healthier from the psychological benefits. Even after taking in VERY sick rescue chickens, we have not become ill. Please don't let misinformation prevent your kids from enjoying every minute of chicken lovin, the chicks grow up way to fast as it is. We handle and love on, and even, yes, kiss our chickens and are much happier and healthier for it. You can even use the search button on the blue strip above and search "kiss chickens" and you will find a whole world of chicken lovers.

Welcome and Enjoy. Suz
I'm going to tell you what these funny people told me when I asked that very same question about making my kids sick. They told me that yes indeed they would get sick with chicken fever, it is very contaigous and the symptons are wanting more and more and more chickens. HAHA

As for you chickens breeds I'm not very good at that yet, but green legs = beautiful colored eggs. YEAH. Welcome to byc.
One thing you do need to know is that the general rule of thumb is one roo (rooster) to 8-10 pullets (or young female hens.) When you have more than one rooster and not enough females, the roosters tend to fight. Our local feed store will take roosters off your hands and re-sell them. Hope that helps, Suz
1. Easter Egger cross, possibly, hard to say
2. Easter Egger
3. Australorp or Black Jersey Giant, maybe
4. Delaware crossed with something-wrong leg color for Delaware, so crossed with white legged breed.
That's my two cents and we all know what two cents is worth these days, LOL. Pretty birds!
green legs = beautiful colored eggs

Not always, especially for a bird with a straight comb. Those eggs would likely be brown. Although I cannot see the comb well on the green legged bird. If its a peacomb, then you are more likely to get green or bluish colored eggs..or they could still be various shades of brown.

I don't think I could part with any of these chickens LOL. I'll just have to get more pullets
I've become very attached to them. Watching something hatch that you nurtured makes them part of the family
It's good to know that rule though. Thank you for letting me know

And thanks for all the other info. Now I have a direction to go in.
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