White leghorns or rock? Or something else pls help thx

OC closet chicken fan

8 Years
Oct 7, 2011
so. cal orange county
My son's 1st grade class hatched 3 eggs Easter week. He won the raffle and brought 3 chicks home and 2 are roosters for sure but I have no idea what breed... Some days I think they are white leghorns because they are quite flighty, other days I'm convince they are rocks because they are messy eaters and make a mess and grow pretty fast... They have yellowish down with white "messy" feathers growing... Legs are typical yellowish color...
I got a barred rock just incase so the egg layers wouldn't be lonely when the rooster do go... The white ones hatched Easter week and the barred chick was probably hatched a week n half later (got from feed store)

Let me know so I can properly advertise and rehome the month old roosters thanks in advance




First let me say that the White Rocks are not messy eaters. I think your thinking of the hybrid meat bird Cornish Cross. The combs at this age are much larger than a Plymouth Rock would have so would say they are Leghorn. Can't you ask the 1st grade teacher where they got the eggs and what they were?
Ok leghorns they are... Sorry my camera phone suck but here r more hopefully better ones



... Y'all think leghorn Roos are worth anything? I'll start asking around to see if anybody wants them... Thx again for y'all input ... Fist bump*

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