White liquid poop and lethargic behavior


Jun 21, 2018
Hudson Valley, New York
Our chicken who is 4 years old is struggling. She has been sick for a month. She originally was sleeping while standing along with the lethargic behavior and white liquid poop. We added Apple cider vinegar to her water and gave a course of 250 mg of amoxicillin for10 days and she became dramatically better although she was up and down through the treatment. The last few days she was back to her old self running around exploring and playing and now 10 days post treatment she is not moving, stares at walls , wants to stay in her coop sometimes sitting on any available egg. She normal lays and leaves the eggs alone until retrieved. Infection? Brooding? It is just her and we have only one other chicken. They have a luxury life. Please help ASAP. We are very worried.
I believe you should continue with putting the vinegar in the water, if it is an infection, it might help distill her. Is she eating normally? Are her droppings white or runny? I would see a local vet and they could tell you what's wrong.
I believe you should continue with putting the vinegar in the water, if it is an infection, it might help distill her. Is she eating normally? Are her droppings white or runny? I would see a local vet and they could tell you what's wrong.
She had been eating normally. With this return to sickness she won,t even eat her favorite treat of a grape. Her poop is liquid. She was totally recovered and now back to where she was. Continue Antibiotics?
Greetings GingerChloe,

The very best thing for your girl, would be to take her to an avian or exotic animal veterinarian. They would be able to do a better job of diagnosing and medical treatment.

But, if you cannot take the hen to a vet, for what ever reason, here are my thoughts.

White liquid poop is urine (clear, sticky, or mucousy) and urates (chalky white). This can be the result of infection, and/or, a tumor, parasites, egg binding (NA, your girl is currently laying). The chicken's liver and/or kidneys are stressed. Administer Liquid Hepato for Pets, this has vitamins and milk thistle to support the organs. Can be purchased online or at a pet shop/farm/feed store.

If your hen has been sick for a month, she may be close to death already. But, I say do all you can, till she either passes away, or recovers.

  • First, make sure she is hydrated.
  • You may need to manually feed her bird meal replacement (I prefer hemp protein powder), with a syringe. First try offering: wet mash, cooked egg, diced cooked meats, cooked brown rice, diced fruit, cooked diced vegies, chopped greens. All in small amounts.
  • If she improved with the antibiotic, but not fully, amoxicillin may not be the right choice. Enrofloxacin (Baytril), is a broad spectrum, and is safest and effective.
  • If your chicken is still laying eggs, and not eating she will deplete her calcium, and this can affect her bones. Administer one half Tums tablet (break into small pieces), once a day for three days a week, till eating on own, again.
  • Keep the vent area, clean to prevent vent gleet.
  • A fecal float test should have been done to rule out parasites. If you live near water ways, lakes or bogs, oviduct fluke is a possibility. Any vet or private testing lab can do the test at a nominal fee.

Because the hen is older, there is the possibility of a tumor. I have a hen, that was laying eggs for a while, even though there was a tumor internally. She is still living with the flock, requires periodic care, as, she goes in and out of remission. You should also check the hens belly between her legs for any swelling. Ascites buildup will cause swelling and white watery poop, due to reproductive problems.

These are my thoughts on your hen's issue. I hope they are helpful.
Other members will offer advice, please consider these too.

God Bless :)
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Greetings GingerChloe,

The very best thing for your girl, would be to take her to an avian or exotic animal veterinarian. They would be able to do a better job of diagnosing and medical treatment.

But, if you cannot take the hen to a vet, for what ever reason, here are my thoughts.

White liquid poop is urine (clear, sticky, or mucousy) and urates (chalky white). This can be the result of infection, and/or, a tumor, parasites, egg binding (NA, your girl is currently laying). The chicken's liver and/or kidneys are stressed. Administer Liquid Hepato for Pets, this has vitamins and milk thistle to support the organs. Can be purchased online or at a pet shop/farm/feed store.

If your hen has been sick for a month, she may be close to death already. But, I say do all you can, till she either passes away, or recovers.

  • First, make sure she is hydrated.
  • You may need to manually feed her bird meal replacement (I prefer hemp protein powder), with a syringe. First try offering: wet mash, cooked egg, diced cooked meats, cooked brown rice, diced fruit, cooked diced vegies, chopped greens. All in small amounts.
  • If she improved with the antibiotic, but not fully, amoxicillin may not be the right choice. Enrofloxacin (Baytril), is a broad spectrum, and is safest and effective.
  • If your chicken is still laying eggs, and not eating she will deplete her calcium, and this can affect her bones. Administer one half Tums tablet (break into small pieces), once a day for three days a week, till eating on own, again.
  • Keep the vent area, clean to prevent vent gleet.
  • A fecal float test should have been done to rule out parasites. If you live near water ways, lakes or bogs, oviduct fluke is a possibility. Any vet or private testing lab can do the test at a nominal fee.

Because the hen is older, there is the possibility of a tumor. I have a hen, that was laying eggs for a while, even though there was a tumor internally. She is still living with the flock, requires periodic care, as, she goes in and out of remission. You should also check the hens belly between her legs for any swelling. Ascites buildup will cause swelling and white watery poop, due to reproductive problems.

These are my thoughts on your hen's issue. I hope they are helpful.
Other members will offer advice, please consider too.

God Bless :)

Thank you so much! We do not live near water- Somehow I have suspected a kidney problem through out- She seems to want water more than usual. I will try your various suggestions and pray a lot. Love my little Ginger …...

If Ginger is suffering from a related, reproductive issue, a 10 minute soak in a warm Epsom Salt bath, may comfort the hen as well. No need to rinse, just gently dry with a towel, then a quick blow dry. If the temperature is hot where you live, she can even air dry, if she isn't feeling too ill.

Excessive water drinking, can indicate toxin build up in the body. The kidneys may be stressed. You need to address what is causing the problem, infection needs antibiotic, reproductive issue may require, antibiotic, supportive care, vitamin supplement with iron, and electrolytes 3 days. Remember to give probiotics for poultry after a course of antibiotics.

Do check the hen's crop each morning to make sure it is emptying properly. Illness can cause a slow crop, which can then cause souring, and watery, high urate poop.

I have a 3 year old hen named Ginger, too. She is a New Hampshire. She's had 4 major illnesses, over the years, one just recently. And has gone on to survive and do very well.

I sincerely hope and pray all goes well for your Ginger. Keep us updated here on BYC. We all learn from these cases.

God Bless and good health to you and Ginger. :)

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