White Orpington?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
Hi! Would someone be able to help with this chick? I ordered a white orpington, but her wing feathers are coming in light gray/silver...will she keep this color? Or be more white after her first molt? She's just about a week old now. Is this how white orpingtons typically look?

Doesn't look like a White Orpington to me. White chicks are almost always yellow or white when they're young, not bluish like this chick. I would say that you have a Blue Orpington.
Ok, we'll that's kind of exciting! I've wanted a blue orpington, but never ordered one because if the splash and black possibility.

Thank you :)
Hi! Would someone be able to help with this chick? I ordered a white orpington, but her wing feathers are coming in light gray/silver...will she keep this color? Or be more white after her first molt? She's just about a week old now. Is this how white orpingtons typically look?


That is such a cute picture, looks like she is posing for you. I also think it's blue, as it looks like my blue Orpington did at that age, maybe just a tad lighter. :cd
white orpington chicks are almost always yellow with gray on the top their heads and down their back. But all feathering should grow out 100% white. I agree you got a blue.

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