
In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 3, 2009
Greenville Texas
Can anyonwe tell me if these keets will basiclly stay this color they, as stated above they are a WHITE & PEARL MIX my wife sure hopes so, how much would you sell them for ??? TFTI WAD


It seems like with guineas you get 1 solid color, with or without pied. Instead of with chickens, you can get multi-colored chicks.

The ones without a lot of white will most likely be just Pearl Grey. The Pearl Grey with white on their faces/wings will most likely be pied. You won't know how much pied they'll have until they get their feathers.

Oh, and on staying the same color..They won't really stay with that pattern, but since that's what Pearl Grey guinea keets look like then yes their base color will be the same when they get older.

How much you can get for them depends on where you live and how many guinea breeders are around you. You should be able to get at least $2 each for keets younger than 1 week old.

Good luck with them and they're real cuties!
$2 each is what i sell mine for. It is a bit cheaper than buying from the store or hatcheries. I have noticed that guineas are becoming more popular. Good luck selling them

You might get some pied guineas out of those keets. They are very similar to what my keets looked like.
Have never heard of pied, the white hen just showed up one day and just stayed on the place, we were surprised that she had fertile eggs since it seams that the pearl ones seam to run her off all the time... Thanks for The INFO TFTI
Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to explain what pied is.

Pied means that the guineas have white feathers on their chest and wings. (Not sure about belly). Obviously, I don't think white guineas can be pied. Here's a color chart for guineas: http://www.guineafowlinternational.org/colorchart/

: Not all pied pearl grey guineas will have as much white as the one in the picture on the color chart.
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