White Pekin Duck with swollen leg

Heather Aguiar

Jun 7, 2017
We just got 4 ducks at our preschool and our white pekin started limping on Sunday and is now not standing or walking at all and her leg has become swollen and warm to the touch. I have read a lot of different things and am unsure what it could be and don't want to keep taking shots in the dark with treatments. The picture of her standing was taken on Monday evening and the up close picture of her joint was taken yesterday. Don't know if the mark on her joint is a cut or just different coloring of skin.

The kids at our preschool are very concerned and we want to get her better asap. Thanks for any help!!!
Looks like two abrasions with scabs. No clue how she may have gotten them? The not walking at all has me more concerned then the abrasions....wondering if she got those while sustaining a sprain or more involved leg injury. For the scabbed areas you can spray verteracyn (can be bought at Tractor Supply Co, feed stores, some chain pet stores), allow to air dry then apply triple antibiotic ointment WITHOUT pain killer (Walmart sells a generic). You can also soak the leg in a warm epsom salt bath for 10 min once or twice a day before veteracyn and ointment. Don't let the duck drink it, as it has a laxative effect. I put enough warm water in a little plastic bin to cover the affected area and just hold the duck lightly while they stand in the bin. I don't measure the salt, I just pour probably a tablespoon or so in.

If it were me, I'd tend to the abrasions and keep an eye on the rest. Ducks can have very serious wounds on their legs/feet and still walk around as if nothing has happened. So, again, the not standing or walking is concerning. A sprain, etc could account for that and will either get better with rest and time....or a vet visit may be in your future. Good luck. Keep us posted!
Thanks for your reply! She is in good spirits still and is eating and drinking fine but the leg and lack of walking is very concerning to me and maybe I just need to be more patient with her recovery, I just fear that I'm not treating everything that needs to be treated.

We are doing the vetricyn spray on the scab and keeping her off of it. Is there anything else I should be giving her?

Looks like two abrasions with scabs. No clue how she may have gotten them? The not walking at all has me more concerned then the abrasions....wondering if she got those while sustaining a sprain or more involved leg injury. For the scabbed areas you can spray verteracyn (can be bought at Tractor Supply Co, feed stores, some chain pet stores), allow to air dry then apply triple antibiotic ointment WITHOUT pain killer (Walmart sells a generic). You can also soak the leg in a warm epsom salt bath for 10 min once or twice a day before veteracyn and ointment. Don't let the duck drink it, as it has a laxative effect. I put enough warm water in a little plastic bin to cover the affected area and just hold the duck lightly while they stand in the bin. I don't measure the salt, I just pour probably a tablespoon or so in.

If it were me, I'd tend to the abrasions and keep an eye on the rest. Ducks can have very serious wounds on their legs/feet and still walk around as if nothing has happened. So, again, the not standing or walking is concerning. A sprain, etc could account for that and will either get better with rest and time....or a vet visit may be in your future. Good luck. Keep us posted!
Sprained....might take up to 6 weeks to heal....
Could a child of tripped over the Duck?...
The kids don't have access to the animals but she was in a enclosure with 3 other ducks and they are starting to out grow it (their big enclosure was being built and is now complete) so maybe she tripped over one of the other ducks. We put her in warm water today and the swelling is a little better and the color of her leg has improved greatly so we will keep warm water therapy and rest going and see how she improves. She was definitely happy to be in water this morning.

Thanks for the input, it has been a great help!
Yes, it's definitely looking like a sprain is the primary issue and the abrasions secondary. Leg looks swollen in those new pics. Sounds like you're doing everything right it just takes time. Keep tending to the abrasions so you don't have to deal with infection, as well! You could add Brewer's Yeast to the feed....great for legs and good for all of the ducks, in general. If you're in a location that's hot, electrolytes and vitamins in the water helps everyone. Glad to hear she's feeling better. Now it's just a waiting game. She's lovely, btw! Enjoy her
I have such this problem with my duck
He is limping and have pain
Most of the time sitting and hard to balance
I dont have acces to any vet and this is the peoblem!
He also have joint legs from when he was a baby and swolling legs made his life like hell
He could to come with his hard life in last 9 months and he do many things like eating and water playing
But he have pain and he didn't healed with Erithromaicin and Meloxicam.
I need Help please!
This picture is from last 3 months ago

This picture is for now

His leg got worse
Hes normal weight is 1 kilogram and 600 gram(his breed is smaller than pekins)
But now he is 1 kilogram and 250 gram!
Please help me!

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