White Pheonix good to eat?


10 Years
Jun 11, 2009
Nova Scotia
I have a batch of white pheonix chicks and it looks like 2 or 3 are boys. They seem like a slender, small breed and I am wondering if we should grow them on for meat or just cull them now? I am trying to give them away but so far no success. They are only 2 months old.
To bad we don't live near each other. We just lost our 10 year old white phoenix roo (Spanky) and would love to get another. Goldie (a golden phoenix roo) is 13 plus years old and going strong. He loves staying on top of the rabbit cages where he is feed and watered. He has not come off them in over 5 years now. Phoenix are such beautiful birds. Last year Goldie shed his 11 foot long tail and has started to grow a new one in January this year, it is now about 4 foot. The last few years his saddle feathers don't grow as long as they used to.

When we raised them in large numbers we would eat the culls. As said above they do taste good, but kind of skinny and boney.
ohhh man to pretty of a bird to eat, i would take them if i could get money for shipping.

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