White Phoenix?


6 Years
Aug 13, 2013
Randleman, NC
Got 6 eggs from a friend so my broody Buff could hatch some babies. Only the two white eggs were viable. On Sept. 18th 2014 two cute little white chicks were hatched. This picture is a week ago at 7 wks. old. The guy who gave me the eggs saw the picture and says he thinks they were from his Phoenix. One is still solid white, the other has a couple of dark gray feathers on her. I have searched the internet and they do look like the white Phoenix bantams. What do you think?
I didn't think Phoenix came in white? I'd also lean more toward Leghorns, especially with those bright yellow legs. I guess you'll know better once they start laying.
You know, that was my first thought, because the rooster he had looked like a Leghorn to me! His tail wasn't at all like a Phoenix rooster. I forgot to check on the internet to see if the White Phoenix pullets have yellow legs. These do. And, I thought I read that the White Phoenix is a bantam, and, don't bantams lay small eggs? The eggs these were hatched from were regular size, not small. I don't think this guy knows what breeds he has. I did see a couple of Buffs and some Barred Rock. But, of course, I know that's not what they are. Anyway, just curious. I have 14 other hens and I know what breed all of them are, so I would just like to know what the new girls are. I will keep researching.

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