White pullets that lay blue eggs?

Silver Fox

In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 30, 2007
Washoe County, NV
I bought what were advertised as Buffs at my local feed store and what I ended up with are white pullets that lay medium/large light blue/grey eggs. Only 1 of the 4 baby "Buff" chicks was actually a Buff. I've done a little research, but I have not found mention of a white breed that lays blue eggs besides the possibility that they're white Ameracunas. I do have 4 Ameracunas but they are more typical looking of that breed and lay smaller and very blue eggs.
Any ideas? What have I missed?
Could be an ameraucana mix...the colored egg laying trait is a dominant trait, so if you breed a hen that lays colored eggs her offspring will have colored eggs. I'd say you have an EE....you should post some pics!!!

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They are so pretty! I didn't know EE's came in white too. I have 2 that are black and gold and lay green eggs. Your's are so pretty and look so fluffy. Does the one in the door have a beard too? One of mine has the beard and muffs too. Also, can't forget those green legs.
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