white rock crossed with leghorn


12 Years
May 15, 2010
Cadiz Ky
I have a wr cockeral that so far is non agressive and good to the girls. I was just wondering what would be the outcome if I bred him to a couple of white leghorn hens. would the chicks be good layers and what color eggs would they lay? I know they would be mutts but don't care as long as they were productive and might be a little easier on the feed bill. I have mostly BO's now and like them but they eat alot and dont lay very well when it's hot which it is about 4-5 months a year here.
NOthing is easier on the feeding bill and as productive as pure white leghorns... the cross you are talking about will give you good layers but not outstanding layers like the leghorns and on top of that they will consume more feed as they will have a bigger body...

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