White shredded feathers...is this ok?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 15, 2009
I have a silkie bantam that is about 81/2 to 9 weeks old....Lately I noticed that his feathers have become shredded and white and I don't know if that is normal...she seems to be doing just fine otherwise...any advice would be appreciated!

Do you have the bird in a cage? This happens very frequently with birds kept in wire.
It might be a feather mite too. I have problems with them with my silkies. Especially with the hens that are setters. You can't see them because they are almost microscoptic and the silkie plumage is very thick.
The shredding is normal for silkies. It is supposed to be there according to the standard. I would be concerned if you didn't see it.

As for the color, looks like your black may have some gray. It may molt out.
One of my buff orpingtons has wing feathers like that and I was wondering if it was normal too. She is much lighter in color than my other one and looks downy, not shiny. ??

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