White spots on eggs?

Were the shell pieces a normal thickness?
Strange shapes can cause the shell to be weaker just because of the shape.

Do you know for sure it was a fresh egg? Eggs that got hidden for a while, and started to rot, are much more likely to explode. Even a very strong shell can explode if the inside is rotten.

Other than that, just letting the chickens have free-choice oyster shell usually works fine. A few rare chickens either won't eat the oyster shell or have some problem where they lay weak eggs anyway.
It was fresh... literally just collected it from the coop that day and cleared out the eggs the previous day. It was pretty thin feeling though...
It was fresh... literally just collected it from the coop that day and cleared out the eggs the previous day. It was pretty thin feeling though...

Thin shells seem to just happen on occasion.

It might turn out to be a one-time thing, even if you don't change anything at all.

If it happens regularly, then obviously you should make sure oyster shell is available to the hens as a source of calcium, but if you're already doing that I don't know anything else to suggest.

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