White vs. Red heat lamp

The McMurray lady told me that they sleep better with red light, and are less likely to go crazy on each other.

Just what they said, don't know if it's true.
Mine are calmer with the red lights. If I turn on the white one they fly about and bump chest( the ? males of the group). I leave the red on at night for heat and add a white during the day high enough that they don't get the heat but sort of have daylight. The white goes off at night. I think they rest better that way. Jean
I used the white light before, and am now using the red light. They do seem calmer with the red light. I do what crazyhen does--leave on an overhead light during the day, so they have a sense of "day", and have a red light on all the time. I used to think the red light was kind of weird and it bothered me, but they seem happy.
I used white with the chicks I got last summer, and didn't have any problems. This time I'm using a red bulb, and I really don't see a difference. The only thing I don't like about the red bulb is that I can't see the chicks poo to make sure it's normal (I'm an over protective, paranoid mama hen

I used red last year and white this year. So far I have not noticed a difference in behavior except that this years batch of chicks seem to 'talk' more than last years. That could be due to a difference in breed though.

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