Whiting True Blue info

The males are nasty is anything and the girls are afraid of everything. But I am looking forward of the promise of very large Robin Blue double yolk eggs.
My Whitings lay pretty consistently I would say every week I get 5-6 from each 9 month old hen. The eggs are smaller than both my Red Stars and My Leghorns. They started laying at 19-21 weeks. I have so many blue pullet eggs right now in my fridge.
We ate the rmean roo and have 4 junior roos that just started crowning. So far none of those have shown the aggression my meanie did at that age. He was mean from the get go!! All mine have pea combs except for one hen who has a single comb. I have 15 Whiting birds (6 that are 9 months old and 12 that are 22ish weeks old).
My Whitings are about 17 weeks and they're laying very well but yes most of the eggs are small but getting bigger. The males are so nasty. Of course I had ordered two straight run and they will both boys. I had to get rid of three of them because of their nastiness and just keep a couple for breeding. The copper Marans have Nasty Boys to. The Whitings are very nervous Birds and you can't really make good pets for the kids I love them because they're so nervous. But I must say they lay well but I'm still waiting for that deep Robin blue color they talked about. The color I'm getting now is the same as the arracadas. My machine did not spell that right. I got a peach colored egg from a Whiting and I will try to include the picture in here. I have no idea how that happened as they are separated and no egg comes in that color, LOL. We will see what the future brings as far as color as I'm expecting Rob and blue
I meant I was expecting the robin blue. If that doesn't happen I won't be very happy. I'm going to try to send the picture of the odd colored egg I got
I received 6 whiting TBs on Apri 4th, so they are 24 weeks old. First one started laying a couple weeks ago peewee sized eggs. One egg every couple day, thats it. Other five didn't start till this week. one day, there were three peewee sized faintly blue eggs. today, there was a large, almost xlarge blue (faintly blue) egg with a little blood on it. this was obviously one of my late layers. poor girl! I was begining to fear the worst after reading some posts on here about these birds. I even was skeptical about McMurray's response to my queeries. They seem to be developing a little more color as they get going. At first, its hard to see the blueness in some light, they do get at least a little bit darker, but I suspect not much. These birds are quite friendly once they start laying. These birds are really growing on me.
My Whitings that I received in May are doing great as far as laying. They are small but I am getting double yolk eggs already. I put a few in the incubator and one just hatched out of a tiny little blue egg. Just awesome!
The eggs are still Pullet size for the last 3 months. Not getting any bigger. The hens act like they're on caffeine 24/7 and the roosters are completely nasty. I did get a bloody double yoker. I think I'm going to give up on this one. They're raising a lot of Havoc around here and they're not what they were supposed to be. Good luck to the rest of you
This breed is not worth the hype that it has caused.They are not even medium-sized and their eggs are small. Yes, they are double Yolkers sometimes but there's small pullet size. I was very very disappointed. The hens are hyper and do not want to be touched what so ever and the roosters are just mean, attacking any chance they can. Not for me! And the eggs are not Robin blue. They are light blue and have been for the last few months. I don't want anymore and mine will be leaving here. Good luck to you all
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