Who all is going through a molt?


10 Years
Dec 6, 2009
My EE is still not laying. She acts weird and her comb is still pink. It has been about 8wks. Most of her feathers are back. Her fuzzy but is still not as fuzzy and she still has less around her neck. I wonder how long this will take.
going thru the molt too!
me too! Got feathers?! Apple cider vinager helps quicken the molt process; makes hard shiney feathers, and good shells on eggs. 1 cup per 1 gallon of water in a NON metal container! Get unpasterized vinager if you can. The cloudy "mother" in the vinager is important.
Good idea. I am beginning to wonder if something else is going on. I wonder what the longest time a hen has gone without laying.
Do all of them molt?? Just asking because my older girls are about 1 1/2 years old and they've never gone through a molt. All my others are 30 - 34 weeks old! I live in the South, does that make a difference??

Mine are 1 1/2 and they are all in different stages of molt. Some are getting new feathers already and some are shamefully tail-less. Sometimes I count them to make sure they are all still there. It looks like one might have exploded and all that is left are feathers.
I have been collecting the nice feathers to make a wreath or something out of.
I am in the south as well. The younger rooster is also molting, but it is a classy and distinguished molt. Thin tail feathers, but otherwise he still has his dashing good looks.
My RIR is the oldest. She dropped a bunch of butt feathers they came right back only stopped laying for 2wks. My EE is next in age she has been going through this for about 8 wks. No eggs at all comb is pale pink. Acts weird doesn't come around me much does not want to be bothered. Those are the only 2 I have that have molted. RIR is 1 1/2 yrs old EE is 16mos
I've really got to start raking up feathers.

My wife wondered why there were so many.

I told her it was FALL!

you know, chickens are just like trees.....

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