who could be first?


Jan 28, 2011
Easternshore of Maryland
I have 6 girls that are 4 months old now and just curious on which breed could be first to lay? I have a Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Easter Egger, Salmon Faverolles, Naked Neck, and a Norweigan Jaerhon (very red comb). I also have a few girls that are two weeks younger that are an Easter Egger, TetraTint, and a Red Sex Link. Just curious since this is my first time!
Jaerhon no doubt (even if you hadn't told us about the red comb). Mine started at 4 and a half months.
The RSL will probably lay first. Mine layed at 17 weeks. Seems like the larger breeds take longer to get started....sometimes up to 25 weeks......
They will lay when their ready. Make sure you have the nest boxes set up & a few fake eggs in the boxes so they know where to lay.My RIR's layed from 25 weeks to about 30 weeks.
I vote the sex-link. I am not familiar with the Jaerhons, though, so maybe I am off.

Good luck.

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