Who does NOT celebrate Valentine's Day? Why not?

Funny, I bought my boyfriend a bag of peanut m&ms too.

I did make him some venison medallions with sauteed onions and a nice salad for lunch (he works 2nd shift, so no normal dinner for us). I trimmed up one of the medallions in the shape of a heart. heh heh... He didn't get me any chocolates or flowers for today but that's okay because I told him I rather he used the money to buy some us something that we needed instead... and didn't end up on my hips.

So, we went to the store and bought a new fridge, some broccoli and chicken livers. Uber romantic! haha.

I kind of like Valentine's day. I don't let the commercial side affect me... and it's fun to text my friends "Happy VD!"
Most men DO think & KNOW that they have won the lottery when they meet a woman who is not into the material thing contest.

I like the way you put that.....
RoeDylanda wrote: he's a "shows up every day and does the best he can" kind of guy,

You have a great guy!!!​
So what exactly is the point of cut flowers? I never got it... I would much prefer something that I can plant. But I do agree, Valentines Day is just another day as far as I am concerned. We don't do anything for birthdays or our anniversary either. Those 'holidays' were made popular by Hallmark. Before that they weren't even thought about.
I like cut flowers, but not for Valentines Day, they are too expensive. I would rather have a plant for the garden. Any excuse for anyone to buy me chocolate is a good excuse. We don't really do Valentine's Day, and never really have. It is always nice to go out for a nice meal with just my honey, leaving the kiddos at home, but I'd rather not do it on the busiest day of the year. I'm not upset if I don't get anything, but I usually get a card for dh and the kids.
mom'sfolly :

I like cut flowers, but not for Valentines Day, they are too expensive. I would rather have a plant for the garden. Any excuse for anyone to buy me chocolate is a good excuse. We don't really do Valentine's Day, and never really have. It is always nice to go out for a nice meal with just my honey, leaving the kiddos at home, but I'd rather not do it on the busiest day of the year. I'm not upset if I don't get anything, but I usually get a card for dh and the kids.

I agree with this completely. My daughter and I were going through the supermarket yesterday and she asked if she could buy some flowers. I just kind of laughed and told her maybe next week. I refuse to go out to dinner on valentines' day or to buy flowers around then because everything is sooo crowded or overpriced. I'd rather go to dinner next weekend to celebrate (if we decide to) and spend our money on our new kitchen floor than on flowers that won't survive a week.​
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I don't normally celebrate the holiday in its original context because i find it over commercialized. I don't need the flowers, chocolates and sappy cards etc...however it doesn't excuse not doing anything.

I have always seen the day as a day to be loved ones (friends, family, signifant others)and show love in general (not with material things). Reflect on your life relationships- almost like a thanksgiving but for those in your life...of course good food can't hurt.

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