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MissP~ I was feeding my birds the local feed mills feed as well. I started mixing it with Purina layer pellets and all of a sudden I was getting more eggs, and the birds were looking much better. I still mix it because they like the texture of the feed mills feed, but waste less of the pellets. I now also add game bird feed in as well.

I posted about a month ago regarding the feeds not containing animal proteins anymore. If you bought purina game bird breeder, it has animal proteins in it, which your birds need to be healthy and fertile.

Purina does make a good feed. I recently switched to a less expensive brand and am noticing the difference in my egg quality already.

I am getting together with another farm and hoping to buy a ton or two of game bird breeder and keep the flock on it from now on.
I feed my chickens meat. Everything I cook, every leftover of meat is given to them. I would like to think that those meat scraps had been doing them some good - even boiling bones. I won't be buying the feed from the mill for my chickens any longer. I have to pay a premium for purina but it is worth it.
I have my girls on Purina Sunfresh Start and Grow. I plan on switching them to Layena at about 18 weeks. What is the benefit of the gamebird feed and how much to you feed them? Is this important to add to their diet? If so, do you use the Purina brand of the gamebird feed?
My birds LOVE Purina FlockRaiser!! Not so much the Layena, though.
I will have to try the gamebird feed as well, since we have the quail to buy for.
I feed it instead of laying feed. The benefit so far is quicker refeathering and over all prettier birds. I can only get Blue Seal brand here.
pips&peeps :


I posted about a month ago regarding the feeds not containing animal proteins anymore. If you bought purina game bird breeder, it has animal proteins in it, which your birds need to be healthy and fertile.

Purina does make a good feed. I recently switched to a less expensive brand and am noticing the difference in my egg quality already.

I am getting together with another farm and hoping to buy a ton or two of game bird breeder and keep the flock on it from now on.

If you dont mind me asking, what brand?​
Miss Prissy, I got my first horse in 1985. (In NY) There were about 10 of us in the neighborhood with horses, and for one reason or another, we had switched to Blue Seal feed. We all could see the differences in our horses, shinier, better tempered, better feet, better weight. It's really unfortunate that I can't get it here in Florida. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like the brand, and my first horse lived 37 years! Horses never live that long. But he did. I think the feed had a large part in it!
Beautiful black hen and love the lacing on the brahma cross. They look wonderful!

Congrats on the early egg! I may have to try that gamebird feed. Mine go nuts for the chick food but aren't so crazy about eating the nutrena adult layer food.

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