who dun it?

kleinheksel farm

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 2, 2011
Holland, MI
our lovely hens started laying this week!! today we got 3! all of our hens we were told would lay brown eggs, but today we got an egg that was brown with dark brown speckles. is there one breed that will lay speckled eggs over the others, or is it possible that it could be any of these breeds? the breeds that we have are:

barred rock
black australorp
buff orpington
and new hampshire red

i'll post a pic later when i get one
eggs are so exciting!!!
Do ya have a picture of the egg. I have buff and rocks. and I know my rocks have laid light brown egg with specks are shade darker then the egg.
My mom has several chickens (buff orpingtons, rhode island reds, black austrolorps, easter eggers and one silver laced wyandotte) she has one of those hens that lays a brown egg with dark speckles. We're not sure which hen it is though. HOWEVER, I had a broody hatch out several eggs from my mother this spring, and one of them was from the speckled egg. She's a pretty black and white speckled pullet. So my best guess is that it came from a easter egger/black australorp cross but it's just a guess. If I had to venture a guess I would say it was one of your black australorps laying the egg.
here is a picture of two of today's eggs...


not a huge deal who's it is.. but i'm just trying to figure out which ones are laying and which ones aren't

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