Who else hates that FB thing where people answer questions about you?

ray's two cents :

Glad to know I'm not the only one! Wow, some of the questions are SO inappropriate

I know!
It's part of your privacy settings. If you play games, then you have allowed FB access to everything. Including your information, AND the information of everyone on your list that has the same settings. Be careful what you read before you click on "I Accept".
I don't like it either! I never use it and luckily not to many of my friends do either. I see other people's wall and that's all that's on there! So many notifications! and as for the actual questions: can you say Inappropriate?!!
I'm so glad I have all that stuff blocked because I find it so annoying.

But, yeah, some people's walls are FILLED with that stuff. Nothing of value.

I don't understand why so many people still post that stuff.
I don't play that game. The people who are my "friends" play it.
I'm actually thinking of deleting my account because it would take too long to go through and delete all 80 people from my friend list

There's only about one person I actually talk to on there.

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