Who Else Is Eating Their Homegrown Chicken Eggs Right Now?

Try putting a dab of vanilla flavoring in your French Toast mix. Yummy. I do that and sprinkle cinnamon. Stop it, I'm hungry now!
My doctor told me that eggs don't make your cholesterol go up -- they were wrong all those years. Whee! I swear I really am healthier since my chickens started laying last fall. My hair is thicker and shinier and my skin is less dry.

My mood is better, too: eggs, or chilling with peeps??
Not eating any right now but did some some with my fried rice for lunch. Bright yellow and tasty.

There are studies showing that eggs from free range chickens have less cholesterol and are higher in omega-3s (I think it was omega-3s).
MY chicken breakfrast
Chicken fried steak
Biscuit n gravy
Omlette with real chicken meat
and for desert mouth watering chicken feet for my choice of bird. Just to bad they don't grow back. Ha HA
I like to have a cup of coffee and a omlette(my spelling stinks sorry
) with everything in it onions, peppers, cheese, sausage, bacon, mushrooms, and ham ahh man now I gone and made myself hungry I think I'll make some for supper tonight!!!
Well, do homegrown duck eggs counts?
My 5 remaining chicks are only 3-4 days old. Don't think there are any eggs coming from them too soon. The duck eggs are tasty though.
The cholesterol comes from the bacon grease you fry the eggs in.

I'm saving my silky eggs for mini develed eggs at the Memorial day party. I think me friends will get a kick out of how small they are compared to the AAA's other people bring.

My two little girls only get about a dozen eggs between them before they go broody... And they just went broody yesterday. I still get one egg every other day or so for the first week they are broody, then zip, zilch, nada for a few weeks.
If they weren't broody (and one family brings their P.O.S. rotwiler) I'd bathe them up and take them on leash to show off.

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